Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Statistical consulting- Help you with your Business Needs

Statistics consulting deals with problem that the company experiences. They will ask for all the problem related data and ask all the problem related questions. Then they will analyze the data. It is only after that they analyze the numbers in order to reach the best possible judgment. This analysis will prove extremely helpful for the companies to take up right decisions.

There are many companies which use the six methodologies to analyze the problems and come up with the appropriate solution for the issue. They follow a DMAIC sequence to come up with a solution. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. 

Each of these phases involves extensive research and analysis in order to get to the right answer. Companies like GE and Motorola were the first to accept this methodology and to implement it. Six-sigma is almost like a culture and the quality benchmarks are set very high. Six sigma permits only 3.14 defects per million opportunities. The analysis if done the six-sigma way will assure best quality and will enable best decision making for any company.

Is There Anyone Out There Who Can Help Me?

There are many people who also hire statistical consulting help to have the analysis done on the matters which will require thorough analysis. Normally not everyone is experienced with the statistics and analysis. However, they can always hire an expert to help them with this aspect whenever required.

Companies also take help from expert analysts to assist them with decision making. They analysis buy reports from statistics consulting companies like Gartner who are well known for their research and analysis. Gartner is a company who are pioneers when it comes to research and analysis. They have extensive reports sold on their websites for thousands of dollars. They have clients like IBM, TCS, Cap Gemini, Dell, HP and many fortune 500 companies who subscribe to their services. They also conduct Symposiums where people like Bill Gates give presentations as well. They conduct such types of events about 2 to 3 times a year. It is always best to get hold of the best market statistics in order to have a definite edge over the competition. 

However, there are people and companies who hire the services of independent analysts to assist them with their decision making. They will provide them with the raw data required for the analysis and let the expert companies churn them inside out till they come up with the best possible solution to tackle the persisting issues.

How to Know When Do I need Help?

We all need some analysis or the other done in our lives which could prove decisive to make important decisions in our lives. Statistical consultants are the best resources to seek help if we are not the experts in the analysis front. They are more suited to do such type of jobs and they have the eye for the details to find solutions to your problems.

Everyone like Lawyers, research scientists, students, attorney and may others seek help from the statistics consulting from time to time. It is better to hire professional help to aid us with critical decision making issues that to make decisions based on guesswork and feel sorry for the decisions later in our lives.

When is Time to Look For An Expert to Help With Thesis Data Analysis

Thesis statistics help is essential for ensuring a valid, useful, and acceptable thesis.  The thesis is the landmark event in the life of a student whereby the student demonstrates his or her capacity to be considered a professional in the disciplinary area.  Whereas knowledge understanding of the content of the discipline is one element, the correct application and utilization of statistics is another element of many thesis projects.  Even for students with strong math skills, the fact that they are still students implies that they are not experts yet.  Even the most seasoned researcher still can benefit from statistics help, so most definitely this can be beneficial for a student.  Mistakes can happen, and so employing the appropriate help with statistics is essential, even if for nothing more than to validate that the procedures conducted by the student are correct.

 What Are My Options

Students can obtain thesis statistics help from a variety of sources.  One of the most beneficial, however, can be to simply employ a person to work with the student one-on-one, since this is often beyond the time capacities of teachers and professors.  This can, of course, become expensive.  Often, the graduate student center or other resources on campus can offer low-cost, quality thesis statistics help for students in their final phase of graduate work.  These tutors will also be familiar with university policy so that they don’t overstep boundaries or violate any plagiarism issues.  Students must be careful to always ensure that any work they submit is their own.

There is no reason for the student to feel inadequate if she or he needs help with the statistics portion of the thesis project.  This is because Statistics is a deep discipline, like all other disciplines.  To ask the engineering or physics or psychology student, who is becoming an expert in their respective discipline, to also become an expert is statistics would be unreasonable.  While these researchers should possess a functional understanding of statistics, that is not the main focus of their work.  Rather, statistics is a tool and, like all tools, it should be employed by people with expertise in using it.  

This can mean that the student contacts the statistician early on in the design phase of their project in order to get off to a good start.  It is unpleasant to have to backtrack because of having done things wrong.  The statistician can therefore help devise a question in such a way that it is likely to generate strong and clear data that can be used to form strong statistical conclusions.  

Why You Actually Should Consult With an Expert

Weak statistical conclusions often come from weak data, which often come from poorly-defined or operationalized questions.  From there, the person or people providing statistics help can help in constructing the variables and the measurement instruments, and provide quality control with respect to the data obtained.  Finally, these people can apply the appropriate statistical tests for the given data in order to make the best of a research project.  The tests must match the data, which must also match the question. 

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